- Active Transportation and Street Design
The Active Transportation and Street Design Division improves city streets to help people of all ages and abilities drive, walk, bike, and take transit around Austin safely, comfortably and conveniently.
- Arterial Management
The Arterial Management Division manages mobility and safety for all modes of travel on Austin's arterial roadways. Arterials are roadways that carry higher amounts of traffic at a higher speed than neighborhood streets.
The Community Services Division include a host of programs that serve the Austin community, including:
- Transportation Development Services
The Transportation Development Services Division provides review services to developers and recommends improvements and transportation demand strategies to improve mobility as development occurs.
- Transportation Engineering
The Transportation Engineering Division (TED) prioritizes, designs and coordinates projects for multimodal improvements with our Speed Management, Vision Zero Implementation, Transit Enhancement, TIA Fiscal, and Roadway Safety and Design Programs.
- Ground Transportation Regulation
The Ground Transportation Regulation team oversees for-hire services within Austin to enhance safety and provide access to service for all users.
- Land Development Engineering
Land Development Engineering reviews development plans for constructability and right of way code compliance. We also continue to assist the public with obtaining rights for the use of City right-of-way and easements (streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utilities) through a variety of means depending on the project.
- Parking Enterprise
The Parking Enterprise manages on-street parking to balance mobility and access needs for residents, businesses, and visitors. The City of Austin does not manage private off-street parking lots and garages except for City-owned facilities.
- Project Delivery
The Project Delivery division works to ensure a centralized and predictable role in project delivery and construction management for local mobility, safety, intersection infrastructure, and regional projects.
- Office of Special Events
TPW Office of Special Events Division, as part of the Austin Center for Events, oversees the right of way and issues permits for sporting and creative events, such as festivals, cultural arts, and block parties.
- Right of Way
The Right of Way Management Division maintains the safety of activities occurring in and mobility through public-owned land, including streets, sidewalks, and grassy areas between pavement and property lines.
- Sidewalks and Urban Trails
The Sidewalk and Urban Trails programs are critical parts of Austin's active transportation network. Both programs work side-by-side to deliver on plans approved by Austin City Council to increase options for people to move throughout their community without using a motor vehicle.
- Signs and Markings
The Signs and Markings Division is responsible for installing and maintaining signs and street markings to guide, warn, and regulate traffic to ensure safe and efficient movement of goods and services.
- Street and Bridge Operations
Composed of professional and technically skilled staff, Street and Bridge Operations manages and maintains public right-of-way infrastructure including streets, bridges, sidewalks, guardrails, trees and vegetation. Our five divisions patch potholes, resurface streets, repair utility cuts, maintain the City’s medians, right-of-way maintenance on trees, and respond after storms.
- Transportation Systems Development
The Transportation Systems Development team is responsible for long-term transportation planning, as well as coordinating long-term planning efforts with other municipal jurisdictions and agencies.
- Vision Zero
Vision Zero implements street improvements, policy changes and education to achieve the community's goal to reduce people hurt or killed by crashes to zero.